The Anticipated Journey: The Winds of Change

            This will be the first of a series of articles addressing not only the importance of navigating through the troubled waters ahead but doing it successfully. There has been, for the last two hundred years, the expected notion of a coming passage for all of humanity in which a new spiritual evolution will take place. From the onset of such declared news, we embark on an emotional wait and see existence. Confidently, I can say it is here now. Yes, we are on the cusp of a great, not only emotional but spiritual quest. But are we ready for it? Sadly, no! What I mean by this statement is that even though we were alerted to its impending arrival, it was not what we were told to expect. The Divine Plan was for humanity to find itself at the midpoint of such an anticipated journey from which a spiritual transformation would start a cohesive emotional ascension. Instead, humanity was so far apart in so many ways that we lived in an emotional and deceptive turmoil requiring divine aid.

            Ever since December 21, 2012, that aid was necessary to make efforts to start, in human conscience, efforts to recognize that a much-needed evolution, from mundane existence, could create a demise from which there would not be recovery. Since that day in December 2012, everything began to change and as we entered the year 2025, spiritual awareness has become the center of attention for all of humanity. Still, that is but a part of a greater endeavor from the Divine Forum.

            Humanity still must travel through a path of emotional traumas to begin to recognize not only its divine nature but also its responsibilities to the planet. Humanity is required to conduct its actions in preserving resources rather than exhausting them to the point of making Earth uninhabitable. Subsequently, we have begun our transformation journey by the various political, social, and economic trends currently affecting not only our American lives but also worldwide. So, the question humanity must soon address is, how is it all to take effect? The simple answer is, recognizing thankfulness and blessings not only in who we are but also in what we see in others. Sound familiar? Of course, it is throughout the Bible as an active part of God, the Father’s initiatives.

It is this trend that humanity will be confronting not only in 2025 but a few more years ahead until we, as residents of this planet, evolve in a conscientious unity and work cooperatively for all of humankind. Presently, we are miles apart needing for the inclusion of what I call, a journey of tears, in which humanity must contemplate not only the issues but also the determining factors that brought us to this time of perplexity and quandary. Simply, how did we get into this mess?

            Therefore, because of our both, emotional and spiritual attitudes of the past one hundred years culminating in useless wars producing countless of deaths, ruins and pains, we are now inducted, so to speak, in traversing through a course of traumas along with dramas necessitating for us to really see ourselves as we are and how we see others before we commit the divine sacrilege of extinction.

            Thus, we come to the crossroads. Does humanity go right or left? Believe it, or not, both. Sound strange? Not really. Because every one of us must decide as we transition through this awareness journey, depending on what you believe and in what initiative you take to support that belief. A simple example would be the choice of a vehicle to buy. As you know, a brand name is more important for many rather than the durability of it because of fanatism. Similarly, the dreams of any upcoming disclosure or activities needing your approval or disapproval would require an emotional commitment. It will be this reality that all of us will confront, or do we? Do you recall the movie idea of the good, bad, and ugly? I am sure you do. Well, in the upcoming disclosures of 2025, we must refer to being one of these three. The bad and ugly characters in decisive decisions will argue about every aspect of the disclosure resulting in emotional distress and incomparability. Their arguments are solely in what they look for, want and desire and not what is correct. Often, never having favorable outcomes. On the other hand, the good sees not only the discordance of the other two but does not interfere, rather sees, and analyzes the contents of the disclosures for validity and strength. This discernment simply means the ability to judge well. In the case of 2025 disclosures, it will be an issue of arriving at a good judgement and being able to make a smart (correct) judgement. It is through this state of existence that we can journey throughout the year 2025 emotional perils. And to understand the emotional and spiritual tools necessary to have mastery over the chaos a disclosure could emanate, you must know and practice the seven (7) principles of knowledge or powers The Light has. These are gratitude, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, unconditional love, hope and repentance. Gratitude at the top of the list of course.

            It is through these powers that one can support not only discernment but also keep an emotional cohesiveness during those traumatic periods that certainly would have a major impact on the unprepared ones. Thus, in the next article, I will provide the aspects of gratitude applicable to your daily life’s activities providing peace of mind and emotional stability. May the goodness and gentleness of Father God be upon you always! Again, be not in fear! Trust God!