The Dynamic Spiritual Plan: Evolutionary Spirituality

            Even though the holidays of December 2024 have passed with their typical expressions of gratitude and cheer; it now offers a valuable opportunity to go beyond gratitude. Since the onset of the year 2025, humanity has entered an unprecedented period of spiritual transformation.

            As discussed in earlier articles, all humanity, all Earth’s nature has started an evolution or transformation in which all the learned experiences throughout all our lives will serve as a mechanism of an upgrading process. Just as the word entails, your mental, physical, and spiritual attributes will appear to be a conscious effort to bring a new you.

            It is not a robotic image or personality but a unique, independent, wise, and heavenly articulated individual. What I mean is that your upgraded version will have a greater understanding not only of what the universe entails but also the nature of God and you. At the onset of man’s creation there existed a symbiotic relationship between our Creator, God, the Father, and His creation, us. However, for divine reasons unknown to man, to be revealed in the not-so-distant future, we separated. Therefore, a part of this spiritual upgrade is to bring us to an awareness, that the symbiotic relationship was recognized solely to be on man and no other creation. But what is most significant in the spiritual awareness of the year 2025 is the knowledge that our human nature is more than being divine but uniquely of this universe only.

            Additionally, to this concept of divinity in all humans, there will also be a trend to unify all of humanity into a solidarity completely eradicating us from our current consciousness. Which brings me to the purpose of this article. First, humanity has been deceived for two millennia. The ancient inherited purpose of it all was for humanity to adhere to a much simpler unified concept rather than to use various other available options. In short, others would think for you. An example of this conscience isolation can be offered in these two concepts. The most extraordinary one is the two that existed as long as five hundred years ago when the earth was believed to be flat and not round and if someone dared to try to journey farther, they would fall into an abyss never to be seen again. The second doctrine, believed by humanity, is the fact that we, humans, are the only intellectual beings existing, and the rest of the Universe is void of intellectual beings. Don’t these thoughts seem absurd today in what you have discovered to be true? Well, the protagonist of these concepts discovered that giving these systems of doctrines and proclaiming a specific set of rules to a populace that was easily persuaded, would keep them in existence and accept them without questioning, and objecting to it could easily end your life. However, now we know for certain that the earth is round and that the possibility of other intellectual beings on other planets, like earth, could exist. Finally, another fallacy but less accepted now was that the earth was the center of the universe and like the other doctrines if question you would lose your life. Those that contradicted the existing ruling would be labeled heretics and therefore eliminated as history has shown.

            Now, to the present. We are much smarter and less gullible in comparison to our ancestors to some degree because there are still some rituals, doctrines, and programs depicting an almost invisible obedience to numerous factors that affect our conscience. In short, we are to some degree captives of a rudimentary mentality that we humanity cannot think for itself. There is still a need for someone to direct us in what we must think, purchase, do, or perform to satisfy their trend of hidden subconscious slavery. Simply, we are not as autonomous as we think we are. For example, why do we write daily with messages that contradict our sublime conscience? The simple answer is that we have been conditioned to willingly give up our independence and fall into the epic trend of following the crowd. Simply, we are doing what others are doing. It does mean that we can be easily persuaded to stay within that crowded concept no matter what. For many people this is adequate because it offers them a sense of belonging which often is not as satisfying or real. In fact, in many cases they create discomfort, uneasiness, and even, in extreme situations, violence. You can see it daily by going through coffee shops, fast food places, market pay lines, etc. All of them with one primordial idea, that it is part of making your life easier. Has your life really gotten easier? If you believe it has, they have convinced you. These and many marketing strategies seem to have made life easier but you are doing much more in less time, than avoiding dedicating time to meditation, prayers, and communing with God’s intentions.

The ancient thought to keep humanity in check through doctrines which we practice today has overlapped into a modern existence ten fold and it is because of this isolation humanity has built toward God that the year 2025 and throughout 2026, all of us must transition to some kind of spiritual adventure. It will be, for some, a training process to sharpen an already learned spirituality. For others it will be like an adventure without expectations which can create confusion and fears. Finally, many others will see the demands as part of a castigation process for whatever inner emotions that have been contradicting their current spirituality. The majority may become disenchanted with the current spiritual norms and concede into isolation and a wait and see attitude.

            Therefore, what is the spiritual plan? What corrective measures must I consider to be a successful member when all is done? First, recognize that external things are moving fast in all aspects of the social, economic, and political arenas. That the prevalent external world affects you as we speak. Second, know that your internal world is also going through various changes if not augmentations. Yes, your emotional and spiritual precepts must be balanced because in the next five months, the external world is going to exert on your emotional disturbances and the key to tolerate what you cannot control will bring anxieties, fears, and personal cognitive instability. In short, you may find yourself frustrated when these social or economic disturbances affect you. Next, your spiritual sovereignty will be evaluated. Your stand and what you believe may not collapse but run into each other causing spiritual ambivalence, and in some cases dissolution. The various incidents, episodes, or encounters we all will go through manifesting all sorts of uncertainties and unacceptable conclusions at a time, depend on you!

            Subsequently, one must not only be aware of our emotional state but willing to have an open mind. Or are you going to be the ever-present individual the protagonists the ancient doctrines foresaw existing in our lives, or will you be free? The answer is a simple one, practice devotedly the spiritual prodigy that is expected of every human being entering to be a member of God’s Divine Plan. The simple answer is, DISCERNMENT. More on this in the next article. Peace, love, and compassion absolves regrets, remember this!