The Anticipated Journey: Gratitude

            There has always existed, since the beginning of time, two adversaries debating our existential purpose creating conflicts of such immensity that we became pawns in a celestial game. However, after eons of interference, we are ascending triumphally thanks to the Power of the Light and Darkness, the most relentless of humanity’s adversary is in last breath of existence on this planet. Nevertheless, it is not abdicating that easily. To declare an all-out war against not only humanity but also The Light, all is not complete and that is where we come in.

            The power of The Light consists of seven principles; gratitude is the most significant of the seven. It ranks at the top of the list. It is through this personal attribute that we, humanity, can defeat darkness’s relentless spiritual attacks. More on this issue in later articles. But for now, humanity has been tasked to be the fore runner in the fight with every breath we take, an adversary of such determination that considers defeat not an option. We are the secret weapon! Yes, there is no greater weapon at this time in this divine battle than humanity. Through the power of expressing gratitude the unexpected weapon darkness never conceived, and we are the foremost adversary now.

            So how do we use this powerful spiritual secret weapon? We do this through being grateful for all the aspects that have made our lives filled with benevolence and charity. Gratitude is the key to all our existence to defeat the relentless activities of darkness with sole existence to defeat The Light as it had done for eons. The time is now to defeat it completely. Begin by being thankful in all aspects of your daily routines such as when you get up. Be thankful for the night’s sleep, the waking to a new day with expectations of emotional stability, or that you experienced a pleasant and satisfying sleep. Mentally talk to God Father and echo the sentiments our Jesus evoked as he saw the first rays of a beautiful dawn. It does not have to be a lengthy or vocal sentiment of gratitude but a simple, Thank you Father God for another wonderful day filled of your greatness. I am grateful for all you are in my life. I hope my actions will be favorable in your sight. Amen!

Simply, just let your heart talk about your deep feelings as you would be a soldier conceiving the outcome of a battle. Recognizing the sovereignty of God in your life is what irritates darkness. Depicting your commitment that God is in every aspect of your daily life from giving thanks for the water, the food, the air, the warmth, the protective measures He provides in your journeys throughout the day are some of the actions that irritates darkness the most. But it does not only consist of you but also practice giving knowledge of the needs of others not only in your community but throughout the world. A simple, Please God, Father watch after the needs of the ones that experience hunger, devastations of war, bring lasting peace to the trouble (specify) were darkness reigns supremely. You are peaceful, love, and hope for all of us to do the same for them, Amen! Just open your heart and express your deep emotions about others. It will take you less time than it takes you to prepare a cup of coffee or light a cigarrete.

How you will address your gratitude is up to you. There is no specific format. It is you that converses with God as He would a very dear friend, which He should be anyway. Thus, open your heart and share your spiritual ambitions with others. This world is in urgent need of divine closeness with God. We have become citizens of materialistic principles. Subsequently, most often we extend and expand words that depict successes and emotional states in lieu of divine serenity. These trends of augmenting our lives with wealth and material richness has taken precedence, therefore talking to God is at instances a bothersome task and we look to avoid it in our daily lives. Yet often we are reminded that God is ever present in our lives. Funny how quickly we seek Him urgently when a need threatens our reality in which we recognize having no control over.

The concept of the Law of Attraction, as some of you have learned, is a law to help all of humanity, however it exists for the chosen few and it is not. You too can establish a divine mental attitude and receive the spiritual and emotional benefits others seem to receive, but you must be genuine with your intentions, and above being sincerely thankful for all that you are and have will bring you the blessings of peace, harmony, and love. In short, seek every opportunity during the day to give thanks, not only to God but the whole universe for it is at your disposal to grant peace, compassion, and emotional stability. Taking upon yourself to practice every initiative or moment to be thankful, the power of gratitude will enhance your lives and bring about spiritual greatness.

However, be very much aware that when you exercise the power of gratitude throughout the day, darkness has an envoy that you must recognize in need to confront. Since you are using your divine nature to be grateful, an illusionary principle of darkness, deception will emanate confusion and is particularly good at persuading you. That villain is your ego. Yes, your thoughts driven by the ego principle will bring daily distractions to subvert your spiritual and emotional power of gratitude and are particularly good at doing this. It focusses on your weakness that can confuse your conscience and opaque your intentions. You must rely on your intuition to overcome its relentless emotional attacks. His diversions are very persuasive, thus be on your guard. Be not in Fear! You are the warrior with the flaming sword of spirituality. Be one with the Source, God, and you shall prevail. Praise, give thanks, be charitable with sincere words and be truthful above all things for it is one of the principles in gratitude and you will subvert all the activities of the ego. And so, it shall be!