Keeping and Doing: The Word of God
It is appropriate currently to ask this simple question. Are you ready for the truth? Humanity has been in a deceptive spiritual cocoon for over thousands of years. During this period of incarceration, we found comfort in embracing our faith and free will. However, that has now ended. Humanity stands at the threshold of an impressive future. Still, sadly a substantial portion of humanity has not yet recognized the changes that have taken place. They believe that the upcoming disclosure scenarios are fabrications by those seeking personal gain, despite efforts to elevate human consciousness.
So, the question still is, are you ready to hear the truth? No matter how strange it may seem or sound? Why would such question; would be relevant to today’s spiritual existence? The answer is as simple as knowing and acceptance that the reign of God, the Supreme Creator and Great Source of not only this earth but also has authority over vast universes in which we, humanity is just a part of a greater domain.
For many of you, this view may seem absurd but those that have been recently touched by a very prevalent spirit of enlightenment have recognized and accepted the validity that not only humanity is the only epic creation of God but a member of a vast forum of other created beings. This thought of humanity being the sole creation has endured for a long time. Nevertheless, it is imperative for humanity to acknowledge its historical legacy and understand that it is not singular in its existence.
Therefore, who is ready? That is the question of the year 2025, especially during the span of the next 206 days which commenced on March 1, 2025 and completes on September 22, 2025. Unintended disclosures in the U.S. may reveal our origins and place in the universe. During summer, emotional, and spiritual challenges may require individual evaluation. Humanity must face the truth.
Consequently, the purpose of this article is to bring a sense of security and understanding in what is real and was imaginary. First, God is very real, and He is not the vengeance and judgmental God but rather He is a much loving and forgiving God. That will be humanity’s first truth revealed. Humanity will find out shortly after that is love has been within humanity since the beginning of time. Also, we will be confronted with the truth that His love for all galactic beings is “unconditional.” This disclosure will be relevant for many individuals, and over time, they will understand its purpose and identify it as a fundamental principle.
Thus, it brings me to share with you the priceless knowledge to contemplate the great truth hidden from all of humanity by the dogmas authority that guided our existence. This revolutionary concept may debut in summer 2025 and continue until 2028. According to the message by the year 2030, humanity would become a much stronger “divine vassal” not only in receiving God’s personal protection but inheriting a royal divine service unequaled throughout the universe.
As for me, I have entrusted my inner wise spirit and soul that contains the “divine essence” of God, Our Father as you have known to be since birth as the disclosures may occlude our perceptions of not only what life means but also its purpose. Subsequently, the belief in the truth will be the key for a successful emotional and spiritual transition during 2025. Your intellect during these awkward periods of unending disclosures will necessitate for you to skip media news, talk shows, and related forums in which their efforts are to increase falsehood ambientes.
The years 2025 to 2028 will be crucial for preserving and applying essential knowledge. I call this era “Keeping and Doing.” During this period, a crucial spiritual concept will emerge in humanity’s conscience, seen as an infringement on our sacred understanding of God. We will face the distinction between our beliefs and objective reality. As mentioned above, the disclosure that we are not the only one in the universe will be one with the most spiritual controversies. It is under this ideology that I posed the question, “are you ready for the truth?” Everyone needs to explore their spirituality. You will face emotional arguments, but the final decision is yours.
The response will be contingent upon your interpretation of what is the Word of God. Ancient prophets described the Word of God as the understanding of “unconditional love.” Right now, this spiritual and virtuoso special knowledge is the key to sustaining your human traits during these troublesome disclosures. The experts in the past defined unconditional love as the primordial trait of a loving God. Jesus echoed this throughout his ministry and added that such virtue was in every single human being. It asserts that God is unconditionally loving and expects humanity to be the same. Yes, that is right for you can find it in the Bible, Jesus taught, “love you neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31. Which meant, extend love (unconditional) to everyone, not just those you know and like. In doing so, humanity would know God for it is in these manner sees all of humanity. In the early first century, the commandment to “love God with all you might” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) was paramount. It meant to love God with all your strength, as seen by the universe.
Somehow, along the passing years, this first and greatest of all the commandments Jesus followed and bestowed on us to do the same with loving equally our neighbor. However, both became fell to an oblivion where mandates became “on as needed basis!” Subsequently, our devotion became a realm of the materialistic world instead of the spiritual. Sadly, humanity became a society of being aware of the vital importance in keeping God’s Word which entailed “Love!” This universal mandate remains a symbol of faith, and not an adornment, or a materialistic value aspect of our spirituality. Ever since the fourth century, we have become “keepers” of such mandate but have failed in “doing” the true scope of the mandate, “to love unconditionally.” You may ask now, why bring it up? It has never caused any observable mortal end but rather it has only brought an ideology of simple commit as far as what you believe it to be, “a waivable condition.” However, I am here to share with you that it will no longer be a simple act of keeping a rule but rather in 2025, it will take hold and bring about roots in which will bring spiritual as well as divine individual encounters between you and your unconditional loving God. The keeper will become then a “doer!” But for now, 2025 will begin the onset of this divine endeavor with a celestial goal to bring all of humanity to both greatest commandments. Which would you adhere to in the coming 206 days I outlined above? It is my fervent desires you would choose to be a “doer” of the mandates through the “seven powers” of the Light of which I have discussed previously in another article which is the first one, “gratitude.” Express gratitude daily for what you have. Also, extend the same courtesy to everyone that is receptive to such powerful virtue. Thus, be sincere and truthful throughout this period. The hours of been a keeper are no longer worth merit. The Divine Forum sees Doers as “Chosen Ones.” Are you one of them or not? Wishing everyone peace and goodwill. The task at hand will be done.