A Month of Review: March, Marching by a Different Beat

We are going to experience a busy spring season the way the message received indicates. The Universe will be continuing the new ascension of humanity’s conscience at a more dynamic pace. This means we are all going to be experiencing influential spiritual awareness alongside our restless emotional estates. It all begins with the month of March 2025.

March 2025 will be marching at a different beat for so many of us. However, this March 2025 parade of unexpected events and new contradicting realities has for sole purpose to, adapt humanity to a new ideology in which we no longer be timid to ask the “why’s” of the nature of any topic that may hinder our cognition. The concept of “truth” has been subject to various interpretations over time, making it challenging to differentiate between accurate and inaccurate information. We were spoon fed the realities as we spoon feed a toddler. All these will change throughout the year 2025 but most recognized during the coming spring season. At certain points, it will seem to reflect as a cup of bitterness. Some may find the revelations unclear and surprising. The adversity of what we have known to understand to be correct will be at question. Revelations and debates will not alter our reality. In short, at times you are going to feel like a castaway being an adrift, an outcast even in your own house of solitude and spiritual meditation. All mostly entwined in various cycles of emotional deception affecting every aspect of our reality.

At this point you may be wondering what is the purpose of all these illicit dramas that have to do with your personal reality? A significant amount. Because as long you breathe, think and act, you are part of a natural existence in which we have forgotten what it is “truth” and have condoned deception as a virtue of our reality. March 2025 will be crucial, as it highlights how deception often hides important truths within established programs. These methods are evident in the domains of news media, sports, financial sectors, and specific religious contexts. Darkness does not sleep. It does not cease to mortify your spirituality, brings up self-denials and suppresses your intimate desires to become closer to God.

In 2012, the Divine Forum set out to fix the damage eons of both spiritual and emotional slavery caused to all of humanity. Our primary focus was on survival. Our devotion to a Higher Being and His rewarding creation had failed. For millennia before December 2012, societies had clear roles for rulers and servants. Humanity’s best future was for the Divine to intervene. First, by rescuing a dying planet, Earth, mistreated not only in arrogance but also in greed. Our best future was therefore to intervene immediately. Another century without restrain would end in not only earth becoming barren but desolated of human existence. It may sound absurd and inconceivable, but it is true.

So we can be in an accord that the manifesting issues, crisis and various other exposing issues do have validity as to the deterrent attitude we had and finally, the Divine Forum pledging His much needed divine love and mercy to repair Earth of the savage treatments she received from humanity. It is time to restore our spirituality and reconnect with our Creator.

Thus, we come to the essence of the coming drama for the next months of the year 2025, specifically the spring season of 2025. Humanity, yes you and I, must come to the realization that this Earth is the only home we have and remained to stay affording every effort to rescind the powers of greed, selfishness, egotism, and of course hatred. Simply putting it on the table: “we need to change.” Yes, begin with each one of us to do our absolute best in bringing peace, unity and spiritual solidarity in our relationships. For so long we have dwelt amid the virtue of extreme anger in which darkness reigns indisputably. This activity just everyone has experienced in expressing a deep desire to punish someone must no longer exist. If we failed to recognize this “wrath” attitude we have nested in our spirituality, we can become united as the Divine Forum expects for humanity to accomplish.

Subsequently, it is necessary to be aware (current awareness trend) in the next months of 2025, first to be vigilant of the emotional opinions of someone near you despising your control and calm attitude foreseeing a pending dilemma. Second, expect emotional persecution when your trust or opinion may not resemble theirs. Third, be confident in your knowledge you have and the path of righteousness you live by. Fourth, Trust your “intuition.” It is the divine essence to withstand the bombardment on your conscience. Fifth, do not be convinced by the power of someone that elicit convincing facts without sustainability. Sixth, when all seem to fail, “trust your gut feeling.” Seventh, begin now, instill in you your trust worthiness and you will be able to admonish their intentions. Eight, avoid discussions beyond your observations. Nine, resist their persuasion at all costs if it does not align with your knowledge, and walk away if necessary. Tenth, the vital one, “forgive them” and ask the Heavens a similar request in their behalf. Finally, take yourself away from anyone, inclusive, loved ones that have no part or impedes you in your conscience awareness and your ascension to the Nova Earth (new earth) as outlined in the Divine Creator and Source, God current agenda.

Above as outlined, these are the steps depicted in the recent message. You need courage and awareness of divine truth. However, this final advice, “before a truth can be exposed, humanity must feel and endure anger, rage, and envy before the divine truth can be shared” this is what the year 2025 is all about. Peace, love and patience to all my readers and friends. And so, it shall be!