The Hidden Agenda



“And this I know, that if the ‘Goodman’ of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye (you) therefore ready also” Luke 12:39-40

            While you and this nation are being entertained with all types of deceptive activities, they, the darkness, are entering into your homes undetected creating spiritual and emotional havoc.

            Greetings my beloved readers! I found the above words from Yeshua during one of his profound and revealing discourses to be appropriate for what is to come during the month of October 2024 and regrettably far into the year 2025. For a while I had the humility, honor, and love to share with you what has been given to me throughout these past years. I found it to be the journey of my existence during these trouble times and I am glad to be here and to have been your guide. However, as it was some time ago for the Children of Israel, it is for us today, there exists a sense of laid-back conscience attitude that has afforded the dark forum complete autonomy to do what is not only joyfully pleasing to their plans but also necessary to dethrone the spirituality of mankind.

            You can observe and experience already a nationwide atmosphere in which the citizens of this nation are depicting an absence of empathy and caring attitude.  Simply, lacking the spirituality and the emotional vigor our forefathers visualized to be the greatness of this young nation. We now lack the liveliness that was the greatest virtue that made this nation not only great but unique. Now, we have a population that is lacking in spirituality but also the spirit to uphold the undeniable rights of citizens. We have lost the spirit to evoke and manifest disapproval to the actions and attitudes toward those that infringe on our spiritual solidarity. Worse yet, The Dark Forum, with its insensitive disciples, has found a weakness in our conscience make-up, greed! And they have not only endorsed to be the driving force to succumb this nation’s citizens to be lackeys, servile followers of their dark agenda. Sadly, our nation’s citizens did not see it coming even when it was before our eyes in November 2019. Since then, it has flourished and with each passing day, it has become fortified and enduring to the point that it affects our current youth immensely and their future.

            The Freedom Fighters that our forefathers visualized for generations ahead have somehow been derailed or deceived to take an alternate route that does not align with the original principles of freedom and genuine democracy as our precious documents emphasized. The Dark Forum maintains an arsenal of malevolent and well defined deceptive rules covering all aspects of every field that affect America’s citizens. You find them especially in the entertainment and communications forums, social and economic organizations depicting strategies that are pleasant and acceptable to a specific targeted audience. Most tactics are subtle and in stealth mode resulting in favorable outcomes but not to the targeted audiences. This clandestine and autonomic endeavor in nature has been in the works since the early 1960’s and has become a mainstay of our society ensuring that the autonomy, the self-government , our self-determination of the citizens of this nation be precluded from generations to come. The Dark Forum mission was, is, and it may be to have unlimited power to make us, this nation’s residents, perform according to the desires of a Dark Lord that goes by a hidden name only known to the upper court jesters that ally with it. In a nut shell, the citizens of this nation have been deceived and are being deceived as we speak. There is only one universal purpose by the Dark Forum and is to enslaved or constrict the mind of humanity and that is their whole existential purpose for this beloved planet, the cessation or suspension of the virtues of consciousness that has made humanity a supreme entity across the boundaries of this universe, and us, the citizens of this nation, the epitome of a greater divine purpose became the essential focus of the Dark Forum to be their central mission.

            Thus, it may not be apparent to the target audience, America today, that we are being subjugated to a subversive intent to eradicate our individuality but also our beliefs. Currently, not only our political arena but many other authorities within the sphere of the same have demonstrated this to be so. We have, as we speak subversive ideologies throughout our nation with the sole purpose to undermine our divine and spiritual character, our morals to the point to have our citizens have given alliance to principles of corruption as a daily norm, and is completely ruining our virtues of freedom and ideals of self-governing righteousness.

            Consequently, humanity is at a crossroad that will determine the path for the next thousand years, not only an existence but also an eternal livelihood under a spiritual and divine dome, or under a canopy in which darkness reigns supreme and the natives under it are oblivious of their oppressive existence enduring pain, experiencing distress, feeling a sense of identity loss, and of full despair with no end to it. Therefore, this troubled humanity of today is in a prophesied spiritual collision within a conscientious universe from which collision would create the fragmented pieces of a once marvel of creation to be scattered without direction, purpose for existence. Is it this certain? Yes, the Holy Writings detail such events but all of it has fallen onto deaf ears, one of the goals of the Dark Forum. Keep the indigenous of this nation-in a spiritual stagnation.

            The hour of choice has come and October 2024 will contain the emotional menu for the rest of the year 2024 and into the year 2025. The voyage ahead is going to be unpredictable as it was for the daring people that crossed this country against perils from all sources. The emotional peregrination that awaits us is going to be an arduous one. As I see it and was shown, and you will find this outlined in my published novel, The Chosen Ones, it will be one of a foreign, alien nature since all of humanity never have experienced it until now. Those that are unaware of what is truly happening under their nose will have emotional and spiritual wondering causing distress and unsubstantiated fears. Others, will be in an emotional disarray; roving in a complete sense of loss of direction. The mental journey traveling from emotional to spiritual stages back and forth would so be traumatic, and that will not be all, but as our psyche has been under the governing power of the Dark Forum, it will compound our conscience affecting our cognitive principles to a point of not only sensing despair but psychological terror. It will be during this time that all of the affected ones will seek hope and comfort at their places of devotion. In fact, a trend of emotion and spirituality will rise in search of the answers, right now the Divine is showing it in America emphasizing to not only decide wisely but safeguard at all cost. Would we? Our nation’s people have an opportunity to change course from which the Dark Forum has embarked us. The answer is in each one of us. So far, we have become enchanted and fascinated by the festive realm the Dark Lord and its Forum alongside with all of its court jesters have created for a nation with a childlike mind unable to see what lies beyond the dark horizon from which they nurture unnatural dark powers and elicit obscure speeches and writings giving ambiguous and in some cases, unholy trends unto the audience that is quickly receptive to their ideology and purpose. Simply, the Dark Forum dwells in their dark ecstasies when there is enmity among the citizens of this nation, and it is so prevalent today as it has never been in all of our history. Separation and not unity is their motto. Consequently, which side of the River of Truth would you stand now?

            In conclusion, as I outlined earlier, we, humanity but most important, us, the citizens of this nation are at the forefront of all the Dark Forum mission to dethrone not only the rights of every human to be self-governing but also capture the rest of the world. Whatever we become will affect the rest of the world. Therefore, we, the citizens of this nation are the key to see all of the inhabitants of this planet rise to divine levels never experienced by humanity. Yes, this is a colossal opportunity to defeat the Dark Forum and its leader and of course, all of those that allied with it. We, Americans, must unite at one point soon. It is understood that October 2024 may facilitate an opportunity to challenge the principles occluding our path toward the light of stable consciousness. This will be significantly important during the days before, during and after November 5, 2024.

            Here it is in a nut shell. America must, remember this word, must take the helm of the direction this nation must steer toward. We must become absorbed with the survival of our constitutional rights now trampled by the dark forces that have entered our political atmosphere. Engrave in your hearts that it is the right of every citizen to uphold what the Divine has bestowed on us, free will! And use such divine virtue to be not only warriors of causes but warrior of the Light. Spiritual preservation is now vital aspect of our survivability in the rest of the year 2024 and much into the year 2025. Our complete attention is on November 5 of 2024. It will be a day to remember. Hundreds of years from now, the residents of that time may judge us favorably or unfavorably depending on what we accomplish that day. After all, it will affect generations to come and that is what the Dark Forum is seeking. To control all that lays ahead to benefit their selfish and enouncing complete dominance over God’s greatest creation, humanity! It is your choice. Choose wisely. We have for a long time been conducting and making unwise decisions about all of aspects of our daily lives. The time has come to rectify it all. Therefore, choose wisely not only that day but begin today to make beneficial and wise decisions for the benefit of all of humanity. Love and wisdom bring us closer to God and brings about what was expected at the Garden of Eden not too far back in time! God knows you personally and He knows the challenges we will be facing soon. Also, the dangers and uncertainties the Dark Forum will manifest on America that we will face every day as we take the sword of freedom in our hands. In His promise at Eden and at Jerusalem, we have His complete support if we choose to stand against darkness. Would you stand firm or would you fear the unknown and it’s darken attributes? There is no neutrality in choosing, either you choose to be part of the spiritual war or seek shelter. Peace and love to everyone. It has been shared and it shall be done! Namaste!