The Caring Plan
The Extraordinaries
“For many are called, but few are chosen!” Matthew 22:14
How often have you heard these words from Jeshua, Jesus throughout your lives? I am confident to say, many times, and yet most of those who have heard it the explanations differ little. In fact, there is one explanation rarely given yet it is described in Mathew and John gospels and has much meaning in today’s humanity. Thus, let us look at the meaning of our current spiritual lives as it was his intent two thousand years ago.
Let us begin by removing the veil of time and magically be at that point in which Jesus was approaching the ending of his ministry as described in Matthews 22. Jeshua, Jesus has entered Jerusalem triumphantly. The people rejoice in his arrival. The joyous expectations of that sunny day would soon change radically in a few days. His entrance had a divine purpose. It was a jubilant entrance to bring to the people awareness of an authoritarian corrupted religious clergy in many cases having complete insensitiveness toward the people of Judea. His last chapter began by bringing to the people that God’s Temple was a place of holiness but also one that embraced the hopes of the people. However, it was much more like a street market and not a place of worship and showed his discontent by overturning the tables which made the exchangeable coins fall to the ground causing chaos and confusion. It was the first step to sealing his faith. But we find in verse nineteen that he also displayed a similar temper on his way to Bethany via Jerusalem Road when suffering from hunger cursed the fig tree. Bethany was the city of Lazarus, Mary, Martha, and friends he visited often.
Therefore, what is the meaning of the above passage and today’s spiritual dilemmas? It is simple; humanity is in a spiritual whirlpool describing similar trends during this time. In the last four hundred years humanity has been intoxicated with both emotional and spiritual potions that serve superfluous dogmas as it was back during Jeshua’s, Jesus’ times but it is more sophisticated in our times. In short, an eloquent mentality survived over a thousand years in which the mind and the heart belong to the most powerful dogma, and this has been our existence for almost two thousand years. However, all is about to change as Jeshua, Jesus foretold it.
As of November 11, 2024 and excitedly on December 12, 2024, an incredible, or better yet, an unprecedented event will take place in which Jesus’ words in Mathew 22:14 will take place. It has been in the making since December 25th, 1981. It was the day when across the heavens and the universe a Divine Plan was declared to protect Mother Earth, Gaia. Three milestones were necessary to actually place a Divine Plan into action, and on December 21, 2012, it was put into full force after humanity completed the third milestone and it brought the most important attribute or mandate that will be the activation of the returning to Earth of The Extraordinaries.
Who are the Extraordinaries? They are the magnificent souls of the most devoted Light Beings that worship the Father, Great Source, God and their existence has only been made known to humanity on two divine occasions in which their existence was one brought to earth for unprecedented events to take place bringing humanity to a higher realm of conscience or spiritual awareness. However, those two divine moments have still been in semi-obscurity because the following events became more important to affect humanity’s conscience and bring humanity into a higher conscience. But neither of the two has the greatest impact as it is this one to begin to take effect tomorrow, December 12, 2024.
Since November 11, 2024 (11/11) began the hour of humankind’s existence to be recognized throughout the entire Universe as a God supreme creation, and to seal it with a Divine Seal, the arrival of The Extraordinaries will be the divine sign of it all. The Extraordinaries are divine light souls that sacrificed a moment of existence on Earth in which humanity required divine rescue. You will find them as the sacrificial children in the birth period of Moses and again returned to Earth to be part of a second divine intervention, but occurring at a much later period, it occurred at the birth of our beloved Jeshua, Jesus. Yes, these are the divine light souls of children that met short lives at the hands of insensitive hearts, in fact that may seem unrealistic, but the Holy Scriptures do ascertain their unselfish act, especially the pain incurred in the hearts of their beloved parents. Yet, God never forgot the sacrifice those parents experienced for they returned to earth and became divine assets to humanity’s ascension by being pioneers, discovers, inventors, enlightened men in God’s principles. The span of their contributions was phenomenal up to this day. You can easily recognize them as The Old Souls and are currently in our midst as The Ascended Ones!
Therefore, let us address the words of Jeshua, Jesus found in Matthew 22:14, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Since, September 11, 2024, a period of calling to the hearts of humanity, both man and woman, especially women, throughout the whole planet to bring the cradle for the souls of these light beings that sacrificed so much in two unprecedented divine acts. Now, their jovial existence to return for the third and final earthly appearance is decided by Earth’s audience listening to their hearts. These ones, we known them to be the Aware Ones, the Ascended Ones, and the Awakened Ones that have been called to become the parents of The Extraordinaries begin on September 9th, 2024 when the Portal of Ascension opened bringing divine energies to this planet revealed in dreams the divine callings. The mentors and the ones given the knowledge of possible eligible parents are the responsibility of Ascended Masters currently checking the divine development of the Call Forum for prospect parenthood to The Extraordinaries.
As it has been, it will be in 2024, many have been called for this divine program but as Jeshua, Jesus pointed out, many are being brought an awareness of this Divine Plan through dreams, or maybe by master’s that have a knowledge of the ones being called. However, it has not been an easy task since the Dark is aware of God’s plan to bring humanity to a higher, more divine, and dynamic stage in which The Extraordinaries will be the inventors in various field of technology bringing humanity into a whole new realm that will seem by many today, as impossible, and the Dark fears their existence intervening in the calling phase. Consequently, the statement Jeshua, Jesus gave will be very real for many that are being called but only few will be blessed with the spirit of God within them, and many others will not want to understand. In fact, it is sad to perceive the mentality, but it does exist in our conscience, and it is this principal God intervened.
Yes, the Extraordinaries will be the new Earth citizens with such knowledge of the past that will change all our current ideologies, and a new conscience will be enacted. These fortunate parents that accept the call and gladly extend their love, not only to God, but also to the soul of an Extraordinary will be beyond comprehension because the divine rewards are unlimited, and the development of the Extraordinary Child will be beyond happiness and joy, for they come from such a divine realm that currently one cannot comprehend but will experience during his or her growth.
Thus, these extraordinary children will arrive with such a knowledge of the sciences in areas no one can conceptualize. They will arrive with all the historical aspects of Earth, human existence, and will be able to manifest things that today’s current humanity cannot perceive. They will have a deep knowledge of the Galaxies, planets, and even other cultures that for us right now will be an impossibility. In short, the blessed parents of these extraordinary children will recognize that they have been blessed with a child prodigy and will be unbelievably rewarding life for them.
Now, how can I portray to you what has been shared with me about all that I shared above. Imagine this comparison, for example, those that were born from the 1940’s to 1980’s, our knowledge was limited to the educational system of time had to offer. In comparison, our trivial day-to-day knowledge could be placed on floppy disks or in something that fits in the so called, A Drive. However, if you were born during the early 1980’s to the year 2000, you were offered a more sophisticated educational program. Your knowledge would span similarly to having CDs or a DVDs memory span. Much more advanced than the floppy disk we old people conceptualized as memory storing. Lastly, from the year 2000 to the present, the capacity to obtain and store more information is currently like having a Zip drive with an enormous amount of memory.
Therefore, the child of the period between the years 2025 to 2045, when he or she is twenty years old will be able to create with a divine ability to formulate, create, manifest, and control elements. It will be an unbelievable and fantastic experience to be a parent of such a child. Now, if I can describe the evolution of us, your parents, and grandparents in comparison with The Extraordinary children of tomorrows new Earth, it seems out of a fairy tale but will be very real. It will be impressive to say the least, however, the reality and truth is that those parents with the spirit to accommodate such a child will be small, as Jeshua, Jesus pointed out. I could point to some reasons for the small number of those being chosen when compared with the substantial number that will not pay heed to God’s call, and it must be in a preference attitude principle and weak faith.
Why, you ask? The reason is very simple and I have often written about it in previous articles at where I also discuss the Chosen Ones that currently are aware of God’s greatness and hold much trust and faith in all that is, and to be God above all. From the Chosen Ones God will choose the parents for The Extraordinaries. These chosen couples will and are known as God’s Chosen Ones and recognized to have the divine spirit as His ancient and current Masters that occupied existence on this Earth and have been here from the beginning of time. In fact, I must show a part of the Extraordinary Children to be members of the legions on call spoken in the Holy Scriptures and known as the Truth Legionnaires. Take a moment and ask yourself, am I one of the God’s Chosen Ones? That answer only you can find within just as you may ask yourself is it true all that has been shared in this article about the divine light souls arriving shortly? Only you can answer that question. The salt of the earth is your faith! Many blessings and hopes to all of you. As I am within God’s Divine Plan, I hope you can be also! Namaste, my beloved friends! See you on tomorrow’s new Earth.