The Devoted Servant: A Man Worthy of Trust
“I have set the Lord always before me because He is at my right hand.” Psalm 16:8
In this era of increasing technology imposing on all of us a principle of absolute servitude, it is rare to meet an individual with the attitude of a devoted servant. Surely, you could find some individuals with a knack for bringing their cause to fruition. However, the servant I am about to discuss in this article refers to a spiritual one that holds traits and principles of divine nature. That is what differs from the one that defies accords but still conforms in some manners to a different settlement or agreement. In retrospect, you can see similar attitudes in your own lives daily. The emotional absurd situations that produce anxiety and a very much undesired uncomfortable environment takes the greatest toll in all aspects of our lives. These symptoms of being controlled by circumstances beyond our control are the ones we fear the most. They more often than we can think steer us away from the direction of what is right or good. Consequently, these regularly active emotional encounters have a greater impact on our psyche than the ones our heart can manage through spiritual perspective as I have described in various articles. The reason for this demise is a simple one, our divine nature along with our spiritual stand, which is often open to arguments, innovative ideas, and in some cases interchanging principles creating a person in emotional confusion and spiritual instability so arrival in mistaken assumptions. There is nothing sadder to exist in a world in which such traits are easily compromised by what is beneficial or adequate to us, and that is the complete difference between any of us and the devoted man that holds faithfulness as his only life’s expectancy.
As denoted in the psalm outlined above, the devoted servant holds his or her unswerving trust in God. Most often when a message is addressed to a group or organization, they are ignored or mocked to say the least. Sadly, this happens more often than you could count, however they are relentless in God’s quest to deliver the divine message, unless the recipient is filled of doubt and fears bringing about spiritual denials, creating criticism or rejections. In such cases, the Devoted Servant no longer must continue such convincing trends and cease all means employed to convince the recipient. They abide devotedly to the voice of the Lord which it is a divine command as old as the creation of man, more about it later in the article.
Therefore, who are these individuals with such unusual attitudes and fervent obedience to God? He or she is not a member of a prestigious organization or club. In fact, you find them in solitary environments preoccupied with carrying Father, God’s wishes and desires of spreading and sharing love and compassion to all in need whenever possible. It is during these divine mandates that excel in their divine nature. They are no different from you and me. They can be from a devoted farmer, a caring teacher or law enforcement person. You can find them in about any environment you commute to and from, or within your daily work environment. Simply, they are everywhere in various stages of spiritual transitions bringing divine messages to any of you. These thoughtful individuals, as most of you denote them as loners, often find them as the ones that avoid the company of others, being a reclusive person. They have also been labeled as withdrawn and mysterious because of their silent behavior, which is my favorite version. There is nothing mysterious about any of them. Surely, they are quiet and reserved except on a divine mission as mentioned above. Often, they give the appearance of being at another dimension. That is a fallacy which often is based on a personal false notion.
These individuals, as we speak, have been in a spiritual dormant for a long time and in December 1981 were awakened to their divine role. Most of them were oblivious of their purpose or journey into this Earth. They existed in numerous lives, providing both emotional and spiritual reinforcements to the people of the community they existed in. You knew them back as people of wisdom, knowledge, and innovators. Their roles back then were limited to baby steps in comparison with their true divine role of the 21st century. We know them now as astrologers, astronomers, mediums, psychics, etc. But a very poignant revelation is that since 1981, as I mentioned for a while in various earlier articles, a choice was enacted from these called then Awakened Ones. They were awakened from a divine slumber to be the key participants in God’s Divine Plan for this planet, Earth.
The Awakened were allowed to remember their role as the future Ascended Ones. It came to the awareness that from the vast number of the Awakened Ones, the Ascended Ones would be given full accessibility to a divine prerequisite in conscience ascension. It meant that the Ascended Ones would evolve into various spiritual stages where they will get the divine traits bestowed on those that rose into a higher order of knowledge not only for their divine purpose but also in who enacted it. On December 21st, 2012 all of this became a reality and not a fairy tale. Ever since then, the Awakened Ones have progressed in bringing all three stages of transforming consciousness, emotional, spiritual, and divine throughout the planet. It is this celestial endeavor that is with us currently affecting all aspects of our lives.
The first order for the Ascended Ones was to make efforts to bring humanity into a unification mentality. Since the year 2012, this has been the major task for them. There has been major success in the spiritual arena but in the physical aspect, humanity is very much apart as we have experienced throughout the disorganized consciousness that humanity has experienced since then. However, there have been excellent results in the divine arena. The divine efforts of the Ascended Ones have provided a transformed conscience awareness that is currently rising in the mentality of humanity throughout the planet and the year 2025 would be a transformative one for all of humanity, regardless of dogma choice or traditions.
The year 2025 would require having spiritual and divine guidance of such a unique constitution that will require the divine skills of a new order of the much awaited, Chosen Ones. These are the ones that have been tasked with the greatest role in bringing to humanity the desires of Father, God. The Chosen Ones are a choice from the Awakened Ones of the year 1981. They form a unique divine strategy to bring humanity to a cordial, divine driven mission. It encompasses about the whole divine spectrum of God’s mandate to have first, our Earth transformed and spectacular as He sought to be when created. Secondly, humanity would also be given the opportunity to rise to a higher consciousness alongside Earth’s transformation. And it is these divine mandates that steer the role and mission of the Chosen Ones. However, a greater function has been reserved for a unique group of Chosen Ones to bring a divine awareness of such importance to humanity that has never been experienced since the creation of Adam. This task has been bestowed on the now known, God’s Chosen Ones. These are the individuals bringing mandates from God to a specific number of individuals all over the planet, but that is just a small part since their divine role is to bring celestial cohesiveness to humanity. God’s Chosen Ones have complete divine support and as we speak engage in spreading compassion, unconditional love, and the knowledge of what is the Light, the Way, and the Truth to all that is divine.
Consequently, God’s Chosen Ones works, in two mandates that must be followed to the letter. The vital one is as old as humanity. It is one that decides their unswerving faith and trust in God only. It is written in the Holy Scriptures (I Kings, chapter 13) which commands all the God’s Chosen Ones to follow to the letter their role and not succumb to the outcome of the seduced and disobedient prophet who perished at the attack of a lion. In fact, it is a mandate all God’s Chosen Ones adhere to, especially whenever a message is given every opportunity to be delivered and is rejected or discarded by the chosen recipient to bring God’s glory unto their lives. The God Chosen One tasked with the mission is to at once cease all efforts to convince the recipient. The critical aspect God’s Chosen Ones follows is that, upon ceasing the efforts never return to the activities to pursue retrying to convince the recipient, simply, never return to one that was seen to be undeliverable. Example, if a message is to be delivered about an illness but recipient is outmost relying in other sources rather than the one the God Chosen One is offering, then efforts end. If later recipient recognizes throughout fears, doubts or a drama that should have listen to the message, the messenger cannot return to convince for if he does, he has disobeyed God’s mandate. It is critical to recognize that the divine tasks of a God Chosen One cannot be interchangeable however the recipient can be the one confronting God with a contrite heart. It is this humane act that God’s looks for because it brings the recipient in direct contact with God and can prove his or her faith.
However, that is not the only example that the God Chosen One must adhere to. There is another and it mirrors the mandate or chapter of the seduced and disobedient prophet, and it is found in our Jeshua, Jesus’ teaching which he followed to the letter. It is found in Matthew 10:14, “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.” And in a sense never look back. If Jeshua, Jesus advised his disciples of such what it looked to be insensitive, it does have much importance in the lives of God’s Chosen Ones as it was the end of the seduced prophet. Vital rule of this article is, be aware that God is revealing much through His Chosen Ones. Your faith and trust in God are put to the test now more than ever. Sadly, the fears, doubts and the drama of everyday uncertainties has blinded our faith, therefore it blinds our spiritual perspectives grieving us later, I wish I would have known. Consequently, many divine messages whether given directed to the individual or by a God Chosen One are absent in people’s lives at their consent.
Conclusion! Beware of your fears, it evolves into doubts and then creates spiritual irrationality. If these emotional culprits dwell in you, your faith is in jeopardy. Remember to set God always before you. Then, you will have knowledge of the voice for the Day of the Lord either directly or through a God Chosen One. Lastly, Faith and Trust are divine energies and can be met by all humans but are seduced to be hidden by the uncertainties we formulate in our lives. Change all of that by becoming truly a God’s Child as the God’s Chosen Ones have. Peace and love endure so can you! Prepare now for the year 2025 for it will require your much needed devoted attention.